
Instructor access pearson art history 18th to 21st century
Instructor access pearson art history 18th to 21st century

instructor access pearson art history 18th to 21st century

Learning communities and PD focus on the need to allow students to experience learning themselves through inquiry and guided projects. Our professional development teaches us how to differentiate learning and teaching and why Universal Design is essential – that what is good for one learner may be good for others. In almost every country that values literacy for all its citizens, recognition has grown that students learn in different ways and at different paces, and as information and tools have become more accessible and equitable, we welcome and support a variety of media and strategies. There is a clear disconnect between the new approaches to teaching and learning that are considered “best practices” for 21st century learning, promoted in PD and supported by research, and the old classroom or school design that in many ways works against them.

Instructor access pearson art history 18th to 21st century